Above are footballing legends Bobby Charlton and George best who both played for Manchester United During the 1970's. Notice how the only design on the shirt is that of the Manchester United emblem. There are no manufactures logos, no league sponsor logos and no corporate logos that sponsor the team.

Steven Gerrard possing for the cameras in a full Liverpool kit. A very recognisable Calsburg logo appears in the centre of the shirt.

Wayne Rooney celebrating a goal for Manchester United last year. Again the massive corporate logo is unmissable in the centre of the shirt. This is the logo for the American insurance company AIG. Also note the premier league emblems on each sleeve. Barclays is just about visible in the emblem, this of course being the British bank who sponsor the Premier league.

Didier Drogba celebrating a goal for Chelsea F.C last season. The Samsung Mobile logo is quite clearly seen in the middle of the shirt. This even overpowers the Chelsea emblem which most people argue should be the main focus of the shirt. Centered towards the top of the shirt is the also the company logo of the manufacturer who made the shirt, Addidas.
To sponsor something is to support an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services as part of brand identification and marketing. A sponsor is the individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor.
In todays modern world, where business and money are king, sponsorship is at the forefront of any event that we come across during our day to day lives. Whether it be a particular brand of chocolate that is in association with one of your favourite T.V soaps, or a brand of paint that sponsors your local football team... sponsorship is everywhere.
In simple terms sponsor ship is a clever way of getting a particular brand name noticed through a benefactor. For example if Samsung mobile pay Chelsea football club to put their logo on the front of their shirt then both parties win because Samung are getting advertisement through a well respected football team and Chelsea are getting paid for it.
More and more money is being put into sponsorship each year and as business keeps growing so will the need to to increase sponsorship.
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