Thursday 8 December 2011

Thursday 24 November 2011

Different Types of Business / Guarantee Company (Non Profit)

In simple terms, a guarantee company is a not-for-profit company, and is the type most often formed by charitable organisations. A guarantee company does not have a share capital, and the members do not won the charity - they are decision makers for the company, but do not recieve any profits, and have no claim on the companies assets.

All income generated is used to cover operating costs and to achieve the objectives of the company.

Common guarantee companies often include clubs, student unions and charities.


Oxfam and nearly all other charities work under this business structure.

Different Types Of Business / Limited Liability Partnership

This allows business partners to enjoy the benefit of limited liability, avoiding the problems of joint and several liability that applies to ordinary partnerships.

While there are no shares in this form of company, and tax arrangements remain the same for ordinary partnerships, a partnership deed will need to be drawn up to specify, among other things, how profit is split and what happens in the event the partnership is wound up.

Aberlink Innovative Metrology

Aberlink are a U.K based metrology company that have recently transfered from a Private limited company to a limited liability partnership. 

Different Types Of Business / Public Limited Company

A public limited company differs from the private version in that it is able to sell its shares to the public, and may be quoted on the stock exchange or alternative investment market etc. A public company must satisfy Companies House that at least £50,000 worth of shares has been issued before it is entitles to begin business or borrow money, and two directors must be appointed.

The cost of running a public limited company are considerably higher, and so this form is better suited to large organisations.


Natwest is an example of a public limited company (plc).

As are nearly all banks and any other company on the FTSE 100

Different Types Of Business / Private Limited Company

A private limited company is a legal entity in its own right, separate from the people who own it, those being the shareholders. The limited liability, potential tax advantages, and the simplicity of running this type of company make this the most common business type in the U.K.

As a shareholder of a private limited company your possessions remain separate (unless they are secured against the business for borrowing), and your risk is reduced to only the money you have invested in the company and any shares you hold which you have not yet paid for.

In addition to limited liability this form of company is also considered to be more prestigious by other companies and the general public due to its legitimate nature and the way important information at Companies House.

New look are a clothing chain that are based in the U.K. They trade as a Private Limited Company

Different Types Of Businiess / Sole Trader

Sole Trader

This is the simplest type of business, requiring no other registration other than the notification of your local tax office, but it is also the business that is exposed to the greatest personal risk.

Sole traders are responsible for all aspects to the company, and have unlimited liabillity to all debts and legal actions. This makes it harder to attract  outside investors or partners which will in turn hinder the expansion and progress of your business.

As a sole trader you are effectively the business, for example Joe Bloggs trading as JB Design. If the business were to fold with depbts you have to settle these debts from your personal assets

Jack Spratt

Jack Spratt is a Cafe and continental style bar located in a town called Devizes. It is a single entitity that is owned completely by the owners.

Businesses of this size and sector are typically of the Sole Trader business type.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Adaption Info-graphic / Data Flow 2

These images have all been taken from a book called Data Flow 2.

This particular info-graphic has taken my interest simple because of the intricacy and detail that the designer has gone to make this. 
The information has been taken from a film and maps the character interactions throughout. It demonstrates brilliant understanding of the designers knowledge within this field and has inspired me to try and make something of equal quality and style.

Even they way that the data has been collected has encouraged me to start recording the things that I do in my daily routine, so that maybe I to could turn it into something interesting. 

This design has really inspired me and is one of the best pieces of work I have seen all year.