This is a Video Tutorial from you tube that explains how to cut up different parts of a track on Garage band and then how to join them together with various other parts.
This is something that I found very useful when it came to editing my track, although I was editing something that wasn't created by me. This meant that it was slightly trickier to acheive.
Above are some of the many music production programs that are available to people who want to make professional sounding music tracks. As someone who is very passionate about music I have considered buying one of them as I think they can give something like motion graphics a lot of depth and a lot more meaning.
I have decided to use one of the less professional programs, Garage Band to produce my track. This is because I am only editing already professionally mastered and produced tracks.
This is a Breakbeat mix that I found on youtube by music producers N.A.P.T
The reason why I have posted this is mainly for one reason. The first being that the dj's mix together 84 tracks in 11 minutes. As I am doing an animation on the top ten best Breakbeat tracks I though that it would be appropriate to have a sound track that did something simular, this way the viewer will have a taste of some of the the tracks that would be appearing on the program.
To achieve this I would first have to select the tracks that I would use and then cut them up in some music software such as Logic or garage band.
However, Logic is a professional music program that I do not think I would be able to learn, considering the amount of time we have to complete this breif and especially considering the face that I am also a beginner on After Effects.
To do this I will try on the program garage band. I believe I am confident enough to navigate the program and to get the job done!
These screen shots have been taken from a Japanese record label called 'Tokuma Japan Communications'. I have taken the name from this label to create my fictional label from which I will be promoting 'Breakbeat to the japanese music scene.
The style of the album artwork on the sight consists mainly of blocky colours that have sharp edges. This is something that I would like to achieve in my animation because I think it looks professional and futuristic and both of these things would suit the clubbing scene, especially In Japan very well.
Soul Of Man - The founders of Fingerlickin Records in 1998
Legendary Australian Dj Nick Thayer
Funky Breaks and Electro DJ Plaza Da Funk
A Screen Shot of all the artists press packs. inside each zip file are logos, Tour dates and other artist related material.
These screen shots have been taken from the the promotional management sight 'Fingerlickin' Management' . These guys specialise in promoting dj's in various different events and club nights in and around the U.K.
They were formally known as 'Fingerlickin' Records' and were one of, if not the biggest Breakbeat label in the U.K and the world. Their records sold thousands all over the world to cater for people who liked anything from 'Hip Hop' all the way up to 'Tech House'.
Unfortunately, The end of 2010 and the invention of the Mp3 saw the demise of Fingerlickin Records as fewer and fewer people wanted to buy vinyl because it was expensive and impractical.